connect (2025)

connect (2025)

Large format (200mx50m) interactive laser mapping on mountainside.

2025 – Vesteråsfjellet, Geiranger, Norway @Geiranger Light Art Festival, 14.-23. February

Set against the towering Vesteråsfjellet mountain in Geiranger, this installation explores the delicate balance between humanity and nature.

Two laser beams—one green and one red—trace the jagged contours of the mountainface, representing the heartbeats of nature and humanity. As these pulses intersect and influence one another, they symbolize our search for harmony with the environment.

The green laser, symbolizing nature’s pulse, flickers with a rhythm that speaks of the mountain’s ancient presence and the ecosystem it shelters.

The red laser, representing humanity, reflects modern activity, progress, and disruption. As the lights converge and diverge, they illustrate the intricate interplay between human development and natural preservation.

This piece is a reflection on UN Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land, which aims to protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. The illuminated heartbeats serve as a reminder of the deep interconnection between human actions and the Earth’s health. By using Vesteråsfjellet as the backdrop, the piece anchors itself in a place of stunning natural beauty, urging the viewer to consider how we can coexist with the landscapes we cherish without overwhelming them.

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